10 Romantic Films You Must Watch

1. Love Actually

If you ever want to fall in love, watch Love Actually and find yourself a man exactly like Liam Neeson’s character in the film. Find a lover like Hugh Grant or Colin Firth, find yourself an Emma Thompson. Go out and fall in love!

image courtesy:whatculture.com

2. Notting Hill

There might not be such a thing as a happily ever after, you might not find someone who loves you all the time or someone who is right for you but maybe, just maybe you’ll find someone who lives behind a big blue door, who is willing to wait.

image courtesy:mastermcdaniel.edublogs.org

3. Up

Someday you will find someone who you like. You might like that they are geeky or hate the same kind of people or love Chinese food and in that wanton box, you will find love. It won’t be perfect but it will be ideal.

image courtesy: now-here-this.timeout.com

4. Punch-Drunk Love

Because love isn’t about walking in to the sunset, love is also strange, inexplicable and so uniquely comforting.

image courtesy: now-here-this.timeout.com

5. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

Sometimes an okay is so much more than an “I Love You” and because you can finally feel like “I've never felt that before. I'm just exactly where I want to be”.

image courtesy: wigglegif.com

6. Brokeback Mountain

So you know that you can’t explain or categorize love, so you know that you can’t quit someone and so you know when it happens, however tragic it is, you should embrace it.

image courtesy: favim.com

7. Annie Hall

You need to know that love is absurd and ridiculous and maybe the person you need to love is you.

image courtesy: www.theempressofdress.com

8. The Last Of The Mohicans

Because you need someone to say, “Stay alive. No matter how long it takes, no matter how far, I will find you.” Because you need to know that you won’t find a damsel in distress or a knight in shining armour, you will find an equal in love.

image courtesy: wifflegif.com

9. Blue Valentine

Love isn’t perfect and you need to know that it will be difficult, tougher than anything you know, it will feel like you had the wind knocked out of you and just then, you might find yourself dancing in the streets.

image courtesy: wifflegif.com

10. 500 Days Of Summer

Because your love story won’t be like any other, as much as people try to convince you otherwise, yours will be your own – quirky, neurotic and absolutely magical.

- See more at: http://www.mtvindia.com/blogs/parent/just-in/10-romantic-films-you-must-watch-before-you-fall-in-love-51974646.html#sthash.WROQwqic.dpuf
